Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To my mom:

I had lunch with my dear mother today.  How can I express the deep bond of love that we share?  We always laugh when we hear people talk about the "teenage years" and how that was so terrible between some mothers and daughters.  We never had that.  My mom has always been open and honest with me and I have always been the same.  I feel as if I can tell my mom anything.  And I often do.  We all have different relationships with people in our lives.  We have our husbands, friends, co-workers, etc.  But I don't believe there is any relationship like the one with your mom.  I know not everyone has a close relationship with their mom.  But this is my post!  :)  Each relationship is different.  I love my husband beyond measure.  But there are things that I share with my mom that he probably doesn't know about (not intentionally of course... I have nothing to hide!).  But mom has been there with me forever.  And I am so grateful to have such a generous, gentle soul to have raised me and guided me on my path in life.  I don't believe that I would have turned out the same without her influence.  She is a godly woman.  However, her godliness is not loud and opposing; rather a gentle example of how a spiritual life should be lived.  And she has fun doing it!  She always brings a smile to my face and a song to my heart.  So here is to you, mom!  Thanks for sharing your life and love with me!

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