Friday, February 26, 2010

My Wish for You...William Scott Parish turns 15 months old today!

Our little Scotty P is now 15 months old. Where did the time go? I know it will keep going faster and faster, but some days I wish time would just stand still. He has grown into such a little boy. It seems only yesterday I held him in my arms for the very first time. What a gift from God. Those of you who know our story understand and sympathize with what we have gone through to have our healthy and happy little boy. And here he is now... climbing on everything and running as fast as can be.

I want so much for my beautiful son. I want him to grow up feeling loved and secure. I want him to have faith in God and be kind to others. I want him to be non-judgemental and willing to help his fellow man. I want him to not only be book-smart, but also smart about the way of the world, without getting caught up in it. I wish for him to be blessed with what makes him happy. I hope that one day he will find his soul mate and be blessed with children of his own. I hope he lives a long, healthy, and full life.
So here is to you, Scotty P! Today celebrates your life and the life that you have left to live. I cherish my days with you and will promise to do my best to always keep you safe and secure.


  1. Your little boy is absolutely precious!! You sound like such a great Mom. I love the hopes you have for your sweet little son. I am going to put both of you on my prayer list!

