Well it has been a while since I have posted anything, but it is a new year and a time for new beginnings! I am going to make time to blog more! My friend Joy K who inspired my 101 in 1001 list has also inspired me to create a 365 day photo challenge... this challenge is to actually take a photo every day for 365 days... kind of a photo scrapbook of one year of my life. I don't promise that it will be riveting or the photos great, but it should be fun for me and will help me knock off one of the things on my 101 list! I hope you enjoy... here is the link: http://www.jens365photochallenge.blogspot.com/
I also found many people online that are doing the same thing... here is one site that explains it all... http://content.photojojo.com/tutorials/project-365-take-a-photo-a-day/